Sunday, February 14, 2010

Revolutionary Road, 150 pages in, and I already have something to say...

As you can see, I am still in the process of reading Revolutionary Road, but I do want to talk about it a bit.

At 150 pages in, the book has proven to me what a great movie adaptation Hollywood produced. I watched the movie first, which is something I try not to do very often, and it is clear that the movie follows the book almost to the T, only leaving out ignorable or insignificant details.

Most of the dialogue I remember from the movie is word-for-word in the book, and I feel that the actors chosen for each part match the descriptions I am reading now, save for the character of Frank Wheeler, played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie. The only problem with Frank being played by Leo, and it is an insignificant one, is that Frank is described as having black hair, while Leo is clearly not of this coloring. Other than that, I'm happy with both forms of this deep story.

There is one thing April Wheeler says in the book, and I can't remember whether it was in the movie or not, but I really liked it. She says: "... certainly it's not going to be easy. Do you know anything worth doing that is?"

What a great quote! Liking the book, a lot and will write more about it later.

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